VM Limo has been granted a Key ticket

VM Limo has been granted a Key Flag, which is a mark of origin issued by the Finnish Labor Union. The mark helps consumers identify Finnish products and services. The awarding of the mark is based on several criteria related to the domestic origin of the product or service.

The mark not only emphasizes the origin of the product or service, but is also related to responsibility. The brand informs consumers that the service has been provided according to certain ethical and environmentally friendly principles.

Marketing Manager of Suomalainen Työ Liito Reetta Mentu states that purchasing a domestic service is seen as a social impact and a responsible choice of values that contributes to Finnish competitiveness and well-being.

Key ticket is a mark of origin granted to products manufactured in Finland and services produced in Finland. A total of approximately 5,000 products, product groups or services carry the key flag. www.suomalainentyo.fi/yorrysnille/avainlippu/

Finnish Labor Union works to ensure that the appreciation of Finnish work increases and that Finnish work succeeds.

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